Gluten Free Patch


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For people with a chronic digestive disorder called celiac disease, gluten is truly evil: Treir bodies regard even a tiny crumb of it as a malicious invader and mount an immune response. Gluten sensitivties can lead to symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. But unlike celiac, sensitivity doesn’t damage the intestine. Gluten Free patch provides bio-frequencies that help to balance and modify the proteins, and help the immune system cross-react with the small-bowel tissue, which causes inflammation. So many do unknowingly have problems with gluten, so by wearing this patch until eliminating gluten from your diet will assist in relieving the symptoms of discomfort, until you can be screened by a specialist.

Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). A gluten-free diet is used to treat celiac disease. Gluten causes inflammation in the small intestines of people with celiac disease. Eating a gluten-free diet helps people with celiac disease control their signs and symptoms and prevent complications. Initially, following a gluten-free diet may be frustrating. But with time, patience and creativity, you’ll find there are many foods that you already eat that are gluten-free and you will find substitutes for gluten-containing foods that you can enjoy.

There are two digestive disorders that cause gluten-intolerance: one is Celiac Disease, and the other is Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH). The third reason for being gluten-free is gluten sensitivity. These are well-acknowledged and documented medical conditions. One in 133 people currently have Celiac Disease or DH. If untreated, the conditions can cause permanent damage to the small intestine. As of now, the only treatment is to adhere to a strictly gluten-free diet.

The Gluten Free patch was developed to help to balance and modify the proteins, and help the immune system cross-react with the small-bowel tissue, which causes inflammation. Gluten sensitivity can lead to symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bloating. So many do unknowingly have problems with gluten, so by wearing this patch until eliminating gluten from your diet will assist in relieving the symptoms of discomfort, until you can beĀ  screened by a specialist.