Female Hormone Patch – New Improved

(FEM) Female Hormone is a product that was developed as a complementary therapy program that is accepted by Doctors and Practitioners as an aid to support and restore the body’s energetic function while balancing hormones.

Hormones are chemicals that are made in small organs called glands. Hormones move about the body, usually through the bloodstream, and change or regulate the function of other organs and structures. In effect, the release of hormones is one of the ways that different parts of the body communicate with each other. The hormones we are most concerned about here are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. These are made in a woman’s ovaries, the small almond- shaped sex glands in the pelvis that also produce a woman’s eggs.

The sex glands are active during fetal development, but they become relatively inactive throughout infancy and childhood. Then, at puberty, the sex glands kick in bigtime to produce adult sexual development and urges, as well as the mood swings we all associate with puberty. After that, most women then settle into a more or less regular pattern of ovulation.

The ovaries make estrogen and progesterone, as well as various other hormones, in a cyclic fashion, and the levels of these hormones rise and fall with ovulation. For most women, this will be a monthly cycle, interrupted now and then by pregnancy or disrupted by stressful events.

Thought of as the primary female hormone, estrogen builds up the uterine lining, stimulates breast tissue, and thickens the vaginal wall. It also affects almost every other organ in the body.

Estrogen plays a critical role in bone building and is thought to have important protective effects on the cardiovascular system.

Hormones! From PMS to menopause, these messengers of womanhood can affect your mood, your weight, your food cravings – even your desire for sex. For many women, it’s smooth sailing, but for others, it’s a shipwreck at every turn of the hormonal bend. For many women, the hallmark of the reproductive years is not pregnancy but PMS – in particular the mood-related symptoms.


Medically speaking, anything that occurs right before your period – such as cramps, diarrhea, and breast tenderness – is considered pre-menstrual syndrome. Experts say that mood swings and other symptoms do not necessarily indicate abnormal hormone levels. Fluctuating and falling estrogen levels disrupt your internal thermostat, causing vasomotor instability, the scientific name for the process that causes hot flashes. Your sleep cycles and some muscle tone, most notably in the pelvic area, are also affected by the drastic reduction in estrogen levels. The FEM patch is designed to help with active hormone issues by regulating estrogen levels.